Sunday, October 12, 2014

October Round table- More Halloween things

Since I love Halloween and we still have a few weeks to plan some den meetings, I shared some more Halloween ideas at Round Table.

 I love these mason jar luminaries. There are tutorials all over the internet, just Google Halloween Luminaries and you will get a bunch. By making these you can pass off either part of Wolf Elective 9a, or Elective 9b or c. It will also pass off make a craft in the bears, but I can not find which one that is.

They are so easy and fun to make, my wolves loved this activity. I will give you some advice on doing them. Make sure you use the wide mouth jars. I told all of our boys to bring a wide mouth pint (you can do bigger, but the smaller ones are easier for the boys)size jar and only one of them did. He had no problems doing his. The other ones were still able to do theirs but they struggled a bit more.

I gave them a choice of different faces that I found by googling(is this a word? I am going to use it either way) Halloween faces.I then used Photoshop to put 6 on a page and print them out. They could pick  a crazy pumpkin(which is the one pictured), skeleton, ghost, vampire bat, traditional pumpkin, and Frankenstein. You could do any color tissue paper but we had the pumpkins orange, ghost and skeleton white, Frankenstein green and the vampire bat purple.

I had them cut each piece of their face out and then using white school glue had them glue it on to the inside of the jar. They then took pieces of tissue paper and started gluing (with a thin coat) those to the inside of the jar as well.

I will get a picture of the ones the boys made and post it later.

I used the battery operated tea lights that I got from the dollar store in a two pack.

 Here is a Halloween board game that I wish I had come up with, but I didn't I found the idea HERE. I  gathered all my supplies and spent the next few hours working on it. I know you are probably wondering why did it take so long for me to put squares onto a poster board...well I originally cut the squares to big and then had to cut them all down.

Here is what you will need to make one:

  • poster board
  • Halloween scrapbook paper (I used 5 prints) cut to 1 1/2 inch squares 
  • Solid color card stock (I used green, white, purple, and black) Cut to 1 1/2 inch squares
  • Halloween clipart (most of mine was found HERE)
  • adhesive of some kind (since I knew I was laminating mine I used a tape runner and just put a small strip down the back of each square. If you are not laminating it you will need to glue them down better)
  • Printable game cards from HERE I used made my own using the ones from that link, but I left out all the ones that said go back to pumpkin patch(which is the beginning), and I changed a few. 
  • dice
  • candy or small prize for finishing game(optional)
Game piece supplies
  • Candy for pieces-I used miniature peanut butter cups, you could also use the pumpkins that come in the bag with the candy corn.
  • tooth picks
  • name flags
To play have the kids start on pumpkin patch. Roll the dice and move that number of spaces. If you land on a white square draw a card and follow the directions. When they get to Trick or treat trail(the end of the game) they could pick a piece of candy or small toy out of a small bucket. 

 Here is a fun Halloween project you can do with your bears that will help pass off Achievement 19a,b,c, Shavings and Chips. This is something our bear leader  has done with the boys for a few years now and she was kind enough to let me borrow them this year to share with you.

This started out as an apple that the boys carved and then their leader took them home and dried them in her oven around 125 degrees(she left them in over night for several days).

The following week the boys used cheese cloth and scary cloth(the black found at Walmart) to make the bodies. There is also a piece of wire(you could use a wire hanger) to form the shape of the cloth. If you look close you can see it in the black one on the right side.
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