Friday, December 13, 2013

Round Table-Positive Attitude

This months core value for Round Table was Positive Attitude. You can tie so much into positive attitude, but I decided to focus on Wolf  elective 13-Birds. I chose this for two reasons, 1) you have to keep a positive attitude while patiently watching for birds, and 2) because I always look at this elective and think to myself...this is too much work, and then I move on. So here is what I came up with.

A bird caller- this will not pass off anything for the wolves,but it is fun, easy and they love it. For the bears this will pass off  elective 12h. This can also pass off Bear E8a.

 You will need the following for each boy:
2 large craft sticks
2 thin rubber bands
1 wide rubber band
 Step 1: place wide rubber band length wise on one of the craft sticks. Cut straw into small pieces (about 1 inch pieces) you will need two pieces(I did not take a picture of this it is pretty self explanatory).
 Step 2: Using one of the thin rubber bands, rubber band the two craft sticks together at one end.
 Step 3: Place one of the straw pieces between the two craft sticks, about 1/2 inch from the edge.

 Step 4: Place the other straw piece between the two craft sticks at the other end.
 Step 5: Rubber band that side together using the second thin rubber band.

Now blow on the "bird caller" like a harmonica and you will have happy boys. If you wish have the boys decorate with sharpies.

Next are a few different bird feeders that you can choose to make for Wolf E13e,f
 These require little time and are easy for the boys to make. The one on the left is made using pipe cleaners, the one on the right is wire (my wire was a little thicker and harder to twist together, I would definitely use floral wire next time.) I made mine into circle shapes because I didn't have to think about it.
  • Wire bird feeder
    • 3 pieces of Floral wire or 3 pipe cleaners for each boy
    • Cheerios
    • Ribbon or string
      • Have each boy string cheerios onto wire or pipe cleaner and bend into a shape(circle, heart,etc)
      • Link the 3 together and tie ribbon or string to top to hang in a tree.

Here is the other idea for a bird feeder. Don't mind the Christmas tree, I didn't want to go back outside to take a picture it is WAY too cold. I followed THIS tutorial to make it, but instead of using a glue stick like they tell you I pulled out the glue gun. Don't get me wrong the glue stick works...eventually, but I did not have time to wait for it to dry and I am sure if you are doing it with a bunch of 8 year old boys they are not going to have the patience to wait.

Also instead of doing just two sticks along the bottom, I did four. I also was too lazy to go dig out my large craft sticks so for the perch I just used two small sticks side by side.

 How about making a pair of binoculars to go along with your bird watching activity? I followed the tutorial I found HERE to make mine. Don't look to close I didn't have toilet paper rolls so I cut a wrapping paper tube apart to make mine and yes they are crooked, but it served it's purpose.

For Wolf Elective 13d , the boys have to identify birds so I found these bird cut outs and bird watching guide HERE. You can place these around the room or hide them outside for the boys to "find" and then mark off on their guide sheet. I would put my guide sheet into a sheet protector and use a dry erase marker to mark them off so you can use them again.
 You could have the bears do this and make a trail mix to take on their outing, this would pass off A9e.

And last but not least (I forgot to get pictures), I made edible birds nests.  I am sure you have made or at least seen them before, if you have no idea what I am talking about Google edible birds nest and I am sure you will know. You could easily use this to pass off Bear A9f.

Here is what you need for them.

Edible birds nest
  • 12 oz bag cow mein noodles 
  • 1 package butterscotch chips 
  • Jellybeans, m&m’s, or robin eggs(for the eggs in the nest) 
  1. Get all your ingredients and supplies in order as you will need to form your nests quicky before they harden. 
  2. In a large glass bowl (large enough to hold butterscotch morsels and chow mein) melt butterscotch morsels. I microwave them for about 3 1/2 minutes stopping every 30 seconds to stir the morsels. 
  3. When butterscotch chips are melted, add the chow mein noddles and mix until noddles are evenly coated. 
  4. Quickly using an icecream scoop, scoop out mounds of the noddle mixture and press an indent in them to form a nest shape and hold the eggs. If the mixture hardens in the bowl, microwave for 20-30 seconds to melt butterscotch again. 
By the time I finished with all the nests they were too hard to allow the eggs to stick to them so next time I would take ½ cup of extra chocolate chips, melt them in a small glass bowl (took about 1 ½ minutes – stopping every 30 seconds to stir).

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