If you aren't familiar with lapbook lessons, they are used a lot in homeschooling. It is a great hands on method of teaching your child about anything.
I found the idea for a bobcat lapbook HERE. I loved the idea of it, but there were no printables to go along with it, so I decided to create my own,after 6 plus hours of working on them, I finally had them done.
If you need to know how to fold a lapbook HERE is a quick tutorial, or you can google for more resources.
I printed them out and then started cutting out my "mini books" from construction paper. I thought I kept the measurements for all of them, but I can't find them so I am guessing I threw them out like I do everything in my house.
If you need to know how to fold a lapbook HERE is a quick tutorial, or you can google for more resources.
I printed them out and then started cutting out my "mini books" from construction paper. I thought I kept the measurements for all of them, but I can't find them so I am guessing I threw them out like I do everything in my house.
inside. This is how I laid mine out because I didn't want them in order.
Motto- this is just a piece of paper folded in half. Put the number 6 square on the front.
Inside put the picture of the motto inside
Cub scout handshake- I used a matchbook style book for this one. (basically a folded flap book like above with a bit extra added and stapled, staple before gluing to the folder)
Inside place the meaning and picture of handshake inside
Law of the pack- make a pocket, I used the printable one from HERE, then put the law of the pack onto a piece of construction paper that is a tad bigger and cut into strips to make into a puzzle, place the pieces inside your pocket.
here is what it looks like all cut apart.
Webelos meaning- use another pocket, place number 3 on front
inside mount meaning onto construction paper make sure you leave enough room to write pull at the top.
Cub scout Sign- this is a folded flap book place number 4 on front flap
Inside place meaning on top flap and picture of sign on bottom
Cub scout salute- make a folded flap book, but this time place the fold on the side.
inside place the picture of salute in front
and the meaning behind the picture. Staple all of them together before gluing to the folder (see picture 2 above)
In the middle top of the folder make a large folded flap book and place the cub scout promise(#1) on the front flap
Inside place the meaning on the top flap and the promise on the bottom.
in the middle section on the bottom left place the Character connection, on the left place the smaller bobcat trail square then under that write list examples here:. The boys can list examples as you talk about the character connection (under commit)
If you have any questions or would like the printables feel free to leave me a comment with your email address or email me.
in the middle section on the bottom left place the Character connection, on the left place the smaller bobcat trail square then under that write list examples here:. The boys can list examples as you talk about the character connection (under commit)
If you have any questions or would like the printables feel free to leave me a comment with your email address or email me.